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GeolocatorAppleSettings class has the following values:


The accuracy of the location data.

Value is of type GeolocatorPositionAccuracy and defaults to GeolocatorPositionAccuracy.BEST.


The location manager uses the information in this property as a cue to determine when location updates may be automatically paused.

Value is of type GeolocatorActivityType and defaults to GeolocatorActivityType.OTHER.


Whether to allow the app to receive location updates in the background.

Value is of type bool and defaults to True.


The minimum distance (measured in meters) a device must move horizontally before an update event is generated.

Value is of type int and defaults to 0.


Flag to ask the Apple OS to show the background location indicator (iOS only) if app starts up and background and requests the users location. For this setting to work and for the location to be retrieved the user must have granted "always" permissions for location retrieval.

Value is of type bool and defaults to False.


The timeout interval for the location request. By default there's no time limit.

Value is of type Duration.


Allows the location manager to pause updates to improve battery life on the target device without sacrificing location data. When this property is set to True, the location manager pauses updates (and powers down the appropriate hardware) at times when the location data is unlikely to change.

Value is of type bool and defaults to False.